Tuesday, June 1, 2010

CRNE in 18 hours. . . @ 2:12 PM

Kind of a serious & boring post here. Just wanted to update & tell everyone I'm still here & I'll be updating regularly soon (^___^)

So tomorrow is the exam... The one I've anticipated since 4 years ago when I started my program. Tomorrow is the most important exam in my life and I'm so nervous and anxious! I've been dedicated to studying ever since I finished classes but there's a lot to understand and to remember so I'm lacking confidence right now because I feel like I haven't studied enough. I'll be in the exam room for 4 hours trying to figure out more than 200 multiple choice questions. Apparently they throw a few 'test' questions in there so it'll be more than the 200 questions, but they don't count yet you don't know which are the test questions. Hopefully I get the test questions wrong & the legitimate exam questions right! Plus the other scary part is that there is no average to aim for. The criteria of whether you pass or fail is based on whether you fall within the average of the province. So if the average of the examinees is 90%, you have to achieve 90% to pass! Puts a lot of pressure on a person doesn't it? It was reported that the average for last year was 59-69% last year. It kind of makes me feel a little better, but not good enough to induce any surge of confidence or optimism in me (T___T)

Time sure passes fast though. Can't believe when I finished classes it was mid-April & now it's already June 1st! We're half way through the year already! How soon will it be that Christmas is here again~ Haha~~

Well, I'm going to go back to my books & try to mentally prepare myself for tomorrow.



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Hello! My name is Becky. I'm RN who loves the gym, beauty, fashion & food!


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